Press release
Cuturi Gallery is delighted to present Little Red Dot - London Edition in its newest location, Cromwell Place, London. The exhibition will take place from the 26th of October to 6th November 2022. As the gallery’s first presentation in London, this exhibition aims to introduce to the London art scene a line-up of works by talented Singaporean artists.
“Little Red Dot”, is a term colloquially used to describe Singapore as a world powerhouse relative to its size. The exhibition celebrates the greater cultural influence, complexity and journey of its artists and their works. From peeking at the early history of Singapore through the anthropological lens of Khairulddin Wahab to the collective subconsciousness of yearning for sanctuaries within the urban landscape of Shen Jiaqi, each artwork bears, in its own way, the significant milestones made by each artist in this unique showcase.
Little Red Dot – London Edition includes works by Afiqa A’mran, Aisha Rosli, Faris Heizer, Israfil Ridhwan, Khairulddin Wahab, Marla Bendini, Shen Jiaqi and Vanessa Liem. Amongst the artists is Ruo-Hsin Wu, a London-based Taiwanese artist who joined the gallery’s residency programme as their first international resident in Singapore earlier this year.
The exhibition will be on view at Cromwell Place from 26th October to 6th November 2022.
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