As the culmination of the research practice accomplished during the past one and a half years, this exhibition foregrounds the contemplations of the seven artists in the programme, as they navigate the sphere of art-making in a changed world.
With a title referenced from the works of Rebecca Solnit and Georgia O’Keefe, these seven artists share their meditations upon ideas of distance and proximity, and the simultaneous flattening of, and connection across, space. The nature of collaboration may have changed, but what of its essence remains? Featuring a range of techniques and media including drawing, printmaking, photography, video, choreography and performance art, the exhibition attempts to answer this question by drawing from the rich creative instabilities offered between the faraway and the nearby.
Shen Jiaqi presented a series of works in Brother Joseph McNally gallery as well as in her studio space highlighting how the urban individual’s imaginative fantasies and aspirations for a private sanctuary are adjusted and adapted from conditions within their immediate social environment. These works reflect the phenomenon of the city and its structures amalgamating with the collective narratives of urban dwelling individuals.
All images below copyright @ Shen Jiaqi

Passage, 2022
Mixed media installation
Glass bifold doors, aluminum casings, led light strips
Dimensions variable
Insomnia of place, 2022
Archival print on acid free paper, mounted on forex board
Serene Companionship, 2022
Archival print on acid free paper, mounted on forex board
Restlessness in common, 2022
Archival print on acid free paper, mounted on forex board
Mnemonic illumination, 2022
Archival print on acid free paper, mounted on forex board
Resonance series