Cuturi Gallery is thrilled to announce that the exhibition booklet are finally ready to be picked up at the gallery! Read more about the work, what goes behind his creations and inspirations, and the relationship with the land and its history in a detailed interview with Noorshidah Ibrahim, an independent researcher and art writer based in Singapore.
Commissioned by the award-winning artist himself, Garçon created this vibrant and tactile catalogue for local talent Khairulddin Wahab. A handy-sized publication, its two covers provide good real estate to showcase more of Khairulddin’s dizzyingly colourful art pieces.
‘Shape of Land’ reflects the down-to-earth painter’s favourite leitmotif: colonial landscapes.

Credit: Garçon Images

Credit: Garçon Images

Credit: Garçon Images

Credit: Garçon Images

Credit: Garçon Images

Credit: Garçon Images
February 14, 2023