News of potential Covid-19 vaccines are dominating headlines at the moment but let’s not forget that the detrimental consequences of the coronavirus are still very much in play. Independent photography and arts centre Objectifs for one, has been around since 2003 and yet they’re putting on their first ever fundraiser thanks to the crippling effects brought about by the pandemic.
A group of 20 photographers, filmmakers and artists have come together by donating their works for sale at the fundraiser, which opens online today till Dec 31 and features works by familiar names such as Boo Junfeng, Lenne Chai, Kirsten Tan, Robert Zhao (pictured here), John Clang and Shubigi Rao.
Depending on the size of the donation, donors can choose to receive a print of various sizes from any of the 20 artists involved. The fundraiser’s proceeds will go towards sustaining Objectifs’ operations and programmes, as well as the artists and arts freelancers that they regularly work with. Head here to check out the works available and do consider donating if it’s within your capacity to do so.
Now till Dec 31

This year, the theme focuses on regeneration – as a nod to the next big sustainability movement of regenerative agriculture. While current sustainability practices are generally aimed at reducing or reusing what is already in circulation, regenerative agriculture takes it a step further by assuming things are already so damaged that it needs to be actively rebuilt and nurtured back to health.
For the layperson, think of regenerative agriculture as the earthier version (quite literally it focuses on the health of soil) of the recent skincare and health trends of nourishing the “good” bacteria that exist in your skin and gut for optimum results. And since most of our clothes are sourced from plants, a thriving soil ecosystem reportedly helps to yield better quality materials and helps to trap more carbon – effectively lowering carbon footprints in the process. Yes, it’s a win-win situation all around.
There are 10 films in total this year, with the buzzy Netflix documentary Kiss The Ground headlining. All films are free and will be screened online. Check out the full line-up here.
Nov 14-Nov 22

Now she’s staging her first solo show at Cuturi Gallery’s brand new digs over at Aliwal Street. Titled The Third Force, it explores human psychology and the uniqueness of the individual through challenges. Also debuting at the gallery the same weekend is the exhibition Past Forward by French photographer Vincent Fournier, whose dreamy, surreal works examine the intersection of science fiction and utopian stories.
If you’re not familiar with Cuturi Gallery, it opened earlier this year at Pacific Plaza before relocating to Aliwal Street last month – the gallery aims to challenge how traditional galleries operate and provide support for rising artists. How? It has a residency program for both Singapore-based artists and those abroad, which culminates in a solo show at the end for the artists who complete it.
The Third Force is on now till Nov 29; Past Forward runs Nov 14-Dec 6